Outdoor Living

Evergreen Landscaping Services Inc provides excellent outdoor living services to customers in and around Holland, Zeeland, Grand Haven, Saugatuck and South Haven. They also cater to a number of customers across Spring Lake, Douglas, Macatawa, Port Sheldon, and Fillmore. There are a number of features you can opt for, that will encourage you to spend more time in your yard and garden:
Outdoor Kitchens
These features are extremely functional, help extend the living areas of your home and add a distinctive dimension to your yard. The kitchen could be open to the air and built on your patio or deck or you may choose to have it built in any other area of the landscape too. You can choose how elaborate or simplistic you want it to be, and which appliances you want installed there.Outdoor Fireplace
This is a great addition to any yard, and you can choose to have this installed either in the outdoor kitchen or your deck, patio or any other area of the yard. Getting a fireplace installation adds a very comfortable and cozy atmosphere to the outdoor spaces and makes them more usable in colder weather. The fireplace could be built of concrete, brick or natural stone and can be a very simple design, or a more elaborately built a one with a wide mantle etc.Fire Pits
There are times when property owners want to add a fireplace, but feel that the structure might be too big for their yard. Or maybe they just want something simpler and this is when they opt for a fire pit. This is also a very popular outdoor living feature and can be built in any space in your yard. It helps create a very campfire like atmosphere and you can also get retaining walls with built-in seating built around it. The fire pit can be filled with lava rock, recycled glass or even river rock and you can choose from brick, stone or concrete to get the actual structure built.Patios
A patio is a great addition to any landscape. It helps add to the functionality of the yard, becomes an amazing spot to spend some leisurely moments with your family, and to entertain friends. The patio construction should be done with care and the materials have to be chosen with care too. It’s why landscapers recommend using pavers for these spaces. You can choose between brick, stone or concrete paving stones for lasting patio installation.When you are getting any landscaping features installed, you need to be assured that an experienced and credible company like Evergreen Landscaping Services Inc is handling the job for you. This will ensure you have outdoor spaces that look superbly beautiful and last for a long time.
Landscape Design
Lawn Care
Retaining Walls
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